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Simple Tips for Stress Relief: The Stress and Pain Connection

Dr. Audra Lance

Let's take a breather from our busy day, Butthole Breathers, shall we? If you're digging these little tips I'm throwing your way about stuff to help with stress relief, pain, and all that jazz, you have to check out my weekly newsletter called The Pep Talk, where I dish out more nuggets of wisdom to help you ace this game called life.

Ever feel like you're stuck in work mode even when you're home? I hear you. So today we're tackling that issue head-on with some solutions.

How's your hump day going? Stress got you feeling like you're stuck on a hamster wheel? Don't worry, we've all been there. But let's ditch the wine and Netflix binges for some healthier options, okay?

First things first, let's get moving. Cue the dance party! Trust me, nothing beats shaking it off with your favorite song, just ask my 160-pound furball, Hayward. Then there's a walk, even a short one around the block works wonders. Get outside and get your body moving.

Now, onto my favorite move in the whole wide world: press-ups. Lay on your belly, let your dog assist if necessary (thanks, Hayward), and get those arms pumping. It's like a sloppy cobra from yoga, but remember to breathe!

We can’t forget about breathing into your butthole. Yep, you heard that right. It's all about finding your center and letting go of stress. Whether you're lying down, sitting, or doing yoga on the wall, just breathe and let it all out.

Finally, take a moment to reflect on three things you're grateful for today. It's the perfect way to end your mini-relaxation session before diving back into the hustle and bustle.

So there you have it. Simple, realistic ways to chill out and show yourself some love. Share these tips with a friend in need, and let's spread the relaxation vibes together.


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