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Dr. Audra Lance

The Truth About Birth Control, Chronic Pain, and Muscle Weakness

I want to talk to you about birth control and some of the long-term effects that aren’t always part of the conversation.

When birth control was first introduced, it was seen as a revolutionary option for women, giving us more control over our reproductive health. But, like with any medical intervention, the full effects aren’t always understood until it’s been studied over time. And now, years later, we’re starting to learn more about what prolonged use of birth control can do to the body, particularly to our tissues.

One study looked specifically at tissue samples from women who had been on birth control for more than two years. What they found was that the tensile strength of their tissues, especially the thoracolumbar fascia (which is in your lower back), was significantly weaker compared to women who had never taken birth control. That’s huge.

What this essentially means is that long-term birth control use could make you more prone to pain, injuries, and tissue-related issues in your lower back and this could potentially extend to other parts of your body as well.

This information isn’t commonly talked about, and I think it’s so important that we discuss it. Birth control is often prescribed for a variety of reasons beyond pregnancy prevention; acne, regulating cycles, and managing conditions like endometriosis. But how often are doctors having real conversations with patients about the long-term effects on their musculoskeletal health?

Not nearly enough, in my opinion.

From my own experience, I was put on birth control at a very young age because of severe acne. At the time, it seemed like the best option, but knowing what I do now about gut health, inflammation, and the impact on tissue, I wish I had been more informed. We didn’t know then what we know now, and that’s no fault of my doctors or my family. But it does highlight the importance of having these discussions early and honestly.

Birth control isn’t inherently bad, but we need to look at it holistically.

If you’re taking it, you should also be considering the long-term impacts on your tissue health, your gut, and even your hormonal balance. We can’t just focus on the short-term benefits without considering the broader picture. It’s also why I’m a huge advocate for working with a team; a holistic nurse practitioner, a functional medicine specialist, or a chiropractor like me—to help you support your body in the right way.

I think the conversation around birth control needs to shift. Instead of rushing patients through an appointment and prescribing it as a quick fix, doctors should be explaining the risks alongside the benefits. And if someone does choose to stay on birth control, there need to be proactive steps to support their tissue and overall health; whether through diet, supplements, or lifestyle changes.

At the end of the day, birth control is a personal choice, and everyone’s situation is different. But it’s crucial to know that prolonged use can have side effects that go beyond what we typically hear.

We’re talking about your body, your tissues, and your long-term health. So if you’re considering it or currently on it, please take the time to talk with a doctor who will listen and give you all the information you need to make an informed decision. And always remember, you have options and resources to support you on your health journey.

The more we talk about it, the better equipped we are to make decisions for our bodies.


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